
The King Charles Brocade Stitch

Example of the King Charles Brocade Knitting Stitch Pattern

About this Stitch Pattern

The King Charles Brocade is a classic knitting stitch pattern. This lace stitch consists of a panel of lace lattice that has a diamond motif in its center. This column can be used as an accent in scarves, sweaters, or blankets.

[VIDEO] Stitch Pattern Tutorial

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Techniques Used In This Stitch Pattern

Stitch Pattern Details

Skill Level


Row Count


Stitch Repeat

Worked over 11 stitches

Stitch Pattern Instructions

Cast On: Worked over 11 stitches

  • Row 1 (Right Side): P2, k2tog, [k1, yo] twice, k1, sl 1, k1, psso, p2.
  • Row 2: K2, p7, k2.
  • Row 3: P2, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, sl 1, k1, psso, p2.
  • Row 4: K2, p7, k2.
  • Row 5: P2, k1, yo, sl 1, k1, psso, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, p2.
  • Row 6: K2, p7, k2.
  • Row 7: P2, k2, yo, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yo, k2, p2.
  • Row 8: K2, p7, k2.

Repeat rows 1-8 until you have reached your desired length.

Stitch Pattern Swatch Photos

Stitch Pattern Characteristics


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5 thoughts on “The King Charles Brocade Stitch

  1. Diana lustgarte says:

    I enjoy you explanation very much, the stich is very pretty but I would like to see it implemented in a garment
    I think I’m going to switch to English style it looks a lot easier

  2. Florence Lohnes says:

    Hi Johnny,
    What is the protocol for sl1? Sometimes the stitch is slipped knitwise as in this video. Sometimes it is slipped purlwise with yarn in back, sometimes with yarn in front. But the instruction will just be sl1. How do we know the correct way to slip the stitch?

    • Johnny Vasquez says:

      If you are going to be passing the slip stitch over, then slip it knitwise. If you are not, then slip it purlwise.

  3. Sue Joyce says:

    Johnny here’s a silly question. You’ve said that all slip stitches are to be slipped purl wise. In this video (and in a few others I’ve watched ) you slip the stitch knit wise. So my question is, when is it purl wise and how do you know to slip knit wise?

    • Johnny Vasquez says:

      What I have said is unless the pattern calls for it or the “stitch” is performed that way (i.e. slip slip knit), slip all stitches purlwise. A better rule is, if the stitch is going to be passed over another stitch, slip it knitwise, otherwise slip it purlwise.

      To slip knitwise, insert your needle as if to knit, but do not work the stitch. Just transfer it to your working needle.

      Make sense?

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