
The Rose Garden Cable Stitch

The Rose Garden Cable Stitch

About this Stitch Pattern

The rose garden cable stitch is a simple cable pattern consisting of a central column, framed by columns of twisted stockinette ribs. The result is a fabric that looks a bit like a rose garden. This stitch can be used as a panel, or worked all over to be used in blankets, scarves, or even hats.

[VIDEO] Stitch Pattern Tutorial

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Techniques Used In This Stitch Pattern

Stitch Pattern Details

Skill Level


Row Count


Stitch Repeat

Multiples of 9 + 5

Stitch Pattern Instructions

Cast On: Multiples of 9 + 5.

  • Row 1 (RS): P2, KTBl, p2, *k4, p2, KTBl, p2; Rep from *to end
  • Row 2: K2, PTBl, k2, *p4, k2, PTBl, k2; Rep from * to end
  • Row 3: P2, KTBl, p2, *C4B, p2, KTBl, p2: Rep from * to end
  • Row 4: K2, PTBl, k2, *p4, k2, PTBl, k2; Rep from * to end

Repeat these 4 rows until you have reached your desired length.

Stitch Pattern Swatch Photos

Stitch Pattern Characteristics


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7 thoughts on “The Rose Garden Cable Stitch

  1. pamela cowin says:

    i love your knitting stitch site its fab as im always looking for new patterns,a big thankyou for your help.

  2. Elizabeth H. says:

    It would be really helpful if you could post a picture of what the finished stitch looks like. It’s easier to understand what’s going on in the video, if I know what the finished piece will look like. Thanks,

    • Johnny Vasquez says:

      There is a photo of the finished stitch, usually both a right side photo and a wrong side photo. You had to scroll past it in order to comment.

  3. joie says:

    I would love to learn how to make a raglen sleeve is there any reference to this in your videos? Have learned a whole lot of new stiches & techniques. LOVE this web site. It has really perfected my doggie knit ware Shapiing the lower back like a sock with short rows. It’s GRRR ate. :>) K9Kids

    • Johnny Vasquez says:

      Hi Joie!

      We will do a class at some point on knitting a raglan sweater, however it will not be part of our free tutorials.

      Thanks for the suggestion!


  4. Debra Peterson says:

    Is there any stitch count adjustment to do this pattern in the round? Thank you and Merry Christmas!!

    • Johnny Vasquez says:

      Count adjustments? No. But you would reverse the stitches in the wrong side rows (2 & 4). Any purl stitches would be knit stitches and visa versa.

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