
Picot Cast On

The Picot Knitting Cast On Pattern Tutorial

About this technique

The picot cast on is a decorative method for starting your next knitting project. It creates an edge with small, delicate holes along it that is worked sideways and then turned to pick up stitches that are knit from. It’s a great way to create a little interest to your mitten, sleeve, and sock cuffs.

Difficulty: Intermediate

[VIDEO] How to do this technique

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Technique Instructions

  • Step 1: Make a slip knot and tighten it onto your knitting needle.
  • Step 2: Using the knitted cast on, place another stitch on your needle.
  • Step 3: Turn your work and with the yarn in front, slip the first stitch on your main needle purl wise.
  • Step 4: Carrying the yarn over your needle and holding it in place with your thumb so it does not cross the slipped stitch, knit the next stitch off your main needle. You should now have three stitches on your working needle.
  • Step 5: With your main needle, slip the middle stitch over the knitted stitch. You should now have two stitches on your needle.

Repeat steps 3 – 5 until you have cast on all but one of your stitches. Then repeat the sequence once more without the yarn over.

Once you have cast on all your stitches you will need to pick up the stitches through the eyelet holes along the edge of your picot chain.

Example Photos

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