The Cable Ribbing Stitch creates a fabric with columns of winding, spiraling ribbing. This pattern can be made with mock cable twist stitches, or with a regular cable cross. By knitting stitches through the back loop, the cable spirals become more defined, with a sharp, crispness not seen in regular ribbing.
It’s an attractive and simple pattern that can be used on its own as an all-over pattern. It can also be used in conjunction with other cable stitches as part of an aran style sweater. The cable ribbing stitch is a great cable stitch for masculine looking hats and scarves.
NOTE: This stitch will not behave like traditional ribbing. It does not have the same kind of horizontal stretch or springiness.
Row 4: P2, *slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold in front, k1 tbl, then slip the purl st back to left hand needle and purl it; then k 1 tbl from cable needle, p2; rep from *.
Repeat rows 1-4 until you have reached your desired length.