This video knitting tutorial will help you learn how to knit the slip through the back loop decrease. This decrease is a method for shaping your work by removing stitches.This is a left leaning decrease and could be used as a substitute for the ssk or k2tog tbl. It is sometimes referred to as the improved slip, slip, knit.
Materials Used in this Tutorial
A pair of knitting needles
Pattern Instructions
Skill: Easy
Step 1
Insert working needle knit-wise into first stitch, slip off main needle onto working needle.
Step 2
Slip stitch back to main needle
Step 3
Insert working needle into both stitches going through back loop
Step 4
Knit both stitches together as one.
Step 5
Slip both stitches off main needle together.
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This is interesting but not for us lefties! You have said you will include left handed instructions but I haven’t seen any as yet!
We usually post them on youtube, but we’ve been a little backlogged so we haven’t kept up on it. Sorry.
Well, as usual, your tutorial was excellent. Tempo – perfect. I’ve been knitting for a long time but have never actually seen this decrease done….only in a drawing, and that doesn’t seem to help me. I also like that you explain how the result differs from the two other decreases you demonstrated, which I commonly use. I know I’ll use this decrease and as a matter of fact, in a project I’m currently working on. Thanks!
Awesome! Send us pictures of how it turns out.