
Simple Cable Stitch

About this Stitch Pattern

This knitting tutorial will help you learn how to knit the simple cable stitch. This stitch is only worked over two stitches so it has a fairly small footprint. The simple cable stitch could be used to add detail with texture to almost any knitting project!

[VIDEO] Stitch Pattern Tutorial

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Techniques Used In This Stitch Pattern

Stitch Pattern Details

Skill Level


Row Count


Stitch Repeat

Multiple of 2sts

Stitch Pattern Instructions

Cast On: Multiple of 2sts

    • Row 1 C2B
    • Row 2 Purl

Repeat these 2 rows until you have reached your desired length.

Stitch Pattern Swatch Photos

Stitch Pattern Characteristics


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5 thoughts on “Simple Cable Stitch

  1. lynnmcdnl@gmail.com says:

    I love the new setup of your web site, and appreciate all the time and effort y’all have put into making it easier for me to learn new techniques for knitting and crocheting. Thanks so much! Sincerely, Lynn McDaniel

  2. Manjulasinghi13@gmail.com says:

    I love the simplicity of ur video and it has been a great help to me.plz continue ur good work

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