
How to Knit the Purl Right Loop Increase (PRL)

How to Knit the Purl Right Loop Increase Stitch

This video knitting tutorial will help you learn how to knit the purl right loop increase.

Skill: Easy


Step 1: Take working needle and pick up the purl stitch from the row below and move it onto the main needle
Step 2: Take working needle and insert it into the stitch
Step 3: Wrap yarn around the needle and bring it through the stitch
Step 4: Slip the stitch of main needle
step 5: Purl the next stitch as normal

Example of the Purl Right Loop Increase Right Side (click for larger)
Example of the Purl Right Loop Increase (Right Side)

Example of the Purl Right Loop Increase Wrong Side (click for larger)
Example of the Purl Right Loop Increase (Wrong Side)

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