About this technique
The crochet cast on is a method for attaching your yarn to your knitting needle at the beginning of a project. This technique uses a crochet hook to place stitches on your knitting needle. It can be used to create a provisional cast on or on its own. The resulting edge will mirror most regular bind off edges.
Difficulty: 2 of 5
Matching Bind Off: Basic Bind Off
[VIDEO] How to do this technique
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Technique Instructions
- Step 1: Create a slip knot on your crochet hook.
- Step 2: Hold your main knitting needle parallel to your crochet hook.
- Step 3: Take the working yarn and wrap it behind the knitting needle, around, and over the crochet hook.
- Step 4: Pull the working yarn through the stitch on your crochet hook.
Repeat steps 3 – 4 until you have cast on the number of stitches required by your pattern.
Example Photos