
Something New is Coming (because you told me to)

We’re back after a great week of vacation in sunny San Diego. It was nice to take a break and relax while enjoying some much needed time away with my wife and family.

We visited the sleepy little town of Julian (home of my favorite hard cider), toured the oldest house in San Diego, walked on the beach next to the gorgeous Victorian Hotel Coronado, and visited a camel dairy. Yes, as in milk and cheese made from camels.

My brothers were able to recoup from a few months of hard work and long days, editing and posting videos for you all to enjoy.

Vacation is often a time to recharge, reflect, or get inspired. Whether its relaxing in a jacuzzi or walking through a museum, the mind gets to breathe and come up with new ideas.

The best part was the time we spent planning for the rest of the year, and I must say, we’re all incredibly excited about things to come.

For months you have been filling my inbox with requests and ideas and ONE things is clear…

You all want to take your craft to the next level.

I think we’ve come up with a great way to help you do that. It’s taken a long time and a lot of planning, but I’m confident that you’re going to LOVE what we have planned.

I’ve been hesitant to do this because it means sharing even more of myself with you than ever before.

And I’m going to need your help.

Anyway the BIG idea is…(stay tuned till next time)

-Johnny Vasquez

P.S. I’ll be back with more details tomorrow. But until then, tell me in the comments what is your favorite thing to do on vacation? How do you relax and unwind? Are you a shopper, a lounger, or an explorer?