
How to Knit the Italian Cast On

Example of the Italian Cast On

This video knitting tutorial will help you learn how to knit the italian cast on. This method of starting a project is great for 1×1 ribbing as well as brioche. It is almost invisible and has a great amount of stretch, making is perfect for cuffs on socks and sleeves as well as hats.

Check our our other versions:

Skill: Intermediate


Step 1: Measure a length of yarn 3x what is needed for your cast on.

Step 2: Pinch the yarn with your dominate hand in the middle of your length of yarn and grab the two strands with your non-dominate hand. Then place your index finger and thumb in-between the strands and spread them apart.

Step 3: Take your knitting needle and place it on the strand of yarn stretched out between your fingers and twist the yarn around the needle with the strand going around your index finger on top the the strand going around your thumb..

Step 4: With your knitting needle, pick up the strand going to your thumb, going around the outside through to the middle, and then over the strand going to your index finger, then pulling your needle under the strand on your thumb.

Step 5: With your knitting needle, come around the outside of the strand on your index finger and pick up both strands. Then come over the strand on your thumb and under the strand on your index finger.

Repeat steps 4 – 5 until you have cast on the number of stitches required by your pattern. When you come to the last stitch of your cast on, finish by using the single cast on method.

After a few repeats your cast on should look like this:

Example of the Italian Cast On
Example of the Italian Cast On
Example of the Italian Cast On in a contrasting color on a 1x1 ribbing swatch
Example of the Italian Cast On in a contrasting color on a stockinette swatch

music in video is from demo 2008 by (Latch\xe9 Swing) / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

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