The Two Color Plaited Basketweave is a criss crossed colorwork pattern with a woven texture. Using a combination of slipped stitches and cabling techniques, this unique fabric ends up nice and tight. It’s a beautiful stitch pattern, and while not easy to knit, the result is well worth the effort.
Row 1 (WS): Color B – P3, *sl 1, wyif, p2; rep from *
Row 2: K2, *drop next (color A) st off needle to front of work, k2, then with point of left-hand needle pick up dropped st and slip it onto right-hand needle without working; rep from *, end k1
Row 3: Color A – *P2, sl 1 wyif; rep from *, end p3
Row 4: K1, *sl 2 wyib, drop next (color B) st off needle to front of work, sl the same 2 sts back to left-hand needle, pick up dropped st onto right-hand needle without working, k2; rep from *, end k2.
Repeat rows 1-4 until you have reached your desired length.
Love it, LOVE it, love it!!!!