
How to Crochet: Picking Up Stitches For Borders

How to Crochet: Picking Up Stitches For Borders

How to Crochet: Picking Up Stitches For Borders
This video crochet tutorial will help you learn how to pick up stitches for crochet borders. When adding a border to your crochet fabric, it can be hard to pick up the right number of stitches along the vertical border. We’ll show you how.

Skill: Advanced Beginner


  1. The only thing you need to know when picking up stitches along a vertical border is they type of fabric you are working with.
  2. If you are working with single crochet fabric you will pick up 1 stitch every other row.
  3. If you are working with double crochet fabric you will pick up 1 stitch every row.
  4. Tip

    Split the total number of stitches you need to work in sections of three or four. After each section lie your fabric down to make sure it lays flat. If it’s too tight pick up more stitches. If it ripples pick up less stitches.

Swatch Photos

Example of Picking Up Stitches For Borders
Example of Picking Up Stitches For Borders (click for larger)
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5 thoughts on “How to Crochet: Picking Up Stitches For Borders

  1. Pingback: How to Crochet: Picking Up Stitches For Borders | Fiber Arts | Scoop.it

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