Double Lace Rib Stitch

The Double Lace Rib Knitting Stitch Pattern

About this Stitch Pattern

The Double Lace Rib Stitch is a relatively simple way to dress up the rib stitch that does not pull in the fabric as much as traditional ribbing. The double lace rib would be great as a decorative panel in any project or could be used to add a little bit of beautiful texture. It’s perfect for a scarf just on its own.

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Techniques Used In This Stitch Pattern

Stitch Pattern Details

Skill Level


Row Count


Stitch Repeat

Multiples of 6 + 2

Stitch Pattern Instructions

Cast On: Multiples of 6 + 2

  • Row 1 (Right Side): K2, *p1, yo, K2tog tbl, p1, k2; rep from * to end
  • Row 2: p2, *k1, p2; rep * to end
  • Row 3: K2, *P1, K2tog, yfrn, p1, k2; rep from * to end
  • Row 4: p2, *k1, p2; rep * to end

Repeat rows 1-4 until you have reached your desired length.

Stitch Pattern Swatch Photos

Stitch Pattern Characteristics


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7 thoughts on “Double Lace Rib Stitch

  1. Michelle Hills says:

    we are really impressed with the layout of your website it has really helped us work out how to some of the stitches thank you for every thing.

  2. Metta says:

    Can you provide any general guidelines for working a lace ribbing pattern like this in the round?

    For example, should I simply work a multiple of 6 stitches only (deleting the +2) and then reverse the even rows:
    — K2 – P1

  3. Angela says:

    Hi there!
    I’m a little confused about the different between yon and yfrn. According to your instructions on knitting the ‘yarn over (yo)’, they are pretty much the same.
    Thank you!

    • Johnny Vasquez says:

      Yarn Over Needle (yon) is used when going from a knit stitch to a purl stitch. Yarn Forward Round Needle (yfrn) is used when going from a knit stitch to a purl stitch. They are both different types of Yarn Overs (yo). Does that help?

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