Monthly Archives: March 2012

Two Color Italian Cast On

This video knitting tutorial will help you learn how to knit the two color italian

The Reverse Stockinette Chevron Stitch :: Knitting Stitch #72

The Reverse Stockinette Chevron Stitch is a simple knit and purl pattern that creates a

How to Knit the Make Two Double Increase (M2)

This video knitting tutorial will help you learn how to knit the make two double

How to Knit a Traveling Jogless Stripe in the Round

A viewer emailed me asked for a tutorial on jogging less. Now if there is

The Vertical Herringbone Stitch :: Knitting Stitch #70

The Vertical Herringbone Stitch pattern is created by selectively using increases and decreases to make

Trellis Lace Stitch

The Trellis Lace Stitch is a lace lattice pattern that creates a beautiful open mesh